Monday, March 1, 2010

Post-Olympic Depression

The 2nd best thing about this short trip was that even though it was work-related (and expenses paid), it totally didn't feel like it. Funny cause I just got my cheque from the last pay period and it surprised me because I had expected it to be way lower as if I had taken a vacation over Reading Week but duh, I still managed to kick in a good 30hrs while I was there. Besides being able to go out in the Village before or after our shifts, we were also all given a full day off to spend at our leisure - with the exception of working around the scheduled time in our itinerary for attending an Olympic Event. Everyone that got sent out were given tickets to see one (Thank you BH!), depending on what was happening around the time of your waves. I got to go see the Ladies Alpine Downhill skiing, which was a Medal Event happening at Whistler's own Creekside hills:

Still debating whether or not that Olympic smurf in the background makes or breaks this picture


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