Sunday, January 17, 2010

Three's A Charm

Brought home these three beauties last Monday and they've been on my fingers since. Seeing as how they were obviously created in the image of the incredibly coveted Yves Saint Laurent Arty Rings (or so I'd like to think), I thoughtfully photographed them atop Stefano Pilati's pages in my "100 Contemporary Fashion Designers" Taschen. Sure, they may not be the real deal but for like... 1/10th of the price, they dutifully attract the attention of my colleagues while my hands flail around writing notes and manage to catch some stares from customers while I ring them thru at till.

YSL-inspired rings, Forever 21.


Jess said...

haha so i've actually got the first one sitting in my F21 cart all cause its the closest thing to YSL i can afford...

A Good Girl said...

Haha, it's one of my favorite rings so far. Check-out! Do it!

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