Sunday, January 10, 2010

End Of The Weak

{before & after}

I know I'm not alone when I confess that I absolutely love no, NEED TO have my Sundays off. Was a lucky ducky this week and landed the whole weekend off, but that happens once in a blue Aritzia moon. Sundays are necessary to either a) post-wrap up the week by sleeping in, actually making breakfast for once, catching up on tv shows, etc. or to b) prepare for the week ahead and be productive. Every week it's a vicious cycle. Today I did the first option, and that's okay. I remember someone once asked why it is that Friday always seem so far from Monday, but Friday so close to Monday and although this is a riddle that we can literally answer, we can't ignore the reality of it whether your life consists of school, work or play. Speaking of which, I along with thousands of other University students head back to school tomorrow to begin our Winter 2010 semester. At least I'll look cute for the first day of classes; pictures of this weekend's new hurr are from the Boyfriend's laptop which I am a little embarrassed at how vainly obsessed I am with it. Though now it's due time for bed, and I should really log off everything (Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Photobucket, Blogger... in that order) I'm just really in no rush to head upstairs to an empty one.


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